We have classes for adults and children.
Our classes cover basics (kihon), forms (kata), and sparring (kumite). New students may begin at any time during the month. Monthly fees are indicated for each program below.
There are no contracts and you may attend as many classes as you wish. Students earn belt ranks by testing when they feel prepared, as often as every four months.
For adults aged 18 years and older. The typical students attends 2-3 classes per week. New students must attend the Beginners classes for the first 16 lessons. Monthly Rate: $100/month. Uniforms may be purchased at the dojo when you sign up. Family rates do not apply during the first month, but go into effect in perpetuity thereafter.
For children ages 5 to 12 years. Beginner children’s classes are offered three times per week and children usually do not move into the more advanced classes until after their first test. Children with some experience and maturity are welcome to train with the adult classes that suit their level as well. Monthly Rate: $85/month. Uniforms may be purchased at the dojo when you sign up. Family rates do not apply during the first month, but go into effect in perpetuity thereafter.
Ages 13 - 17. This age group trains with the regular adult program. Monthly Rate: $85/month. Uniforms may be purchased at the dojo when you sign up. Family rates do not apply during the first month, but go into effect in perpetuity thereafter.
Family members attend the classes appropriate for their age group. Most of our adult and child beginner classes meet concurrently and either train together or in separate spaces, making it convenient for parents and children to train at the same time. After the 1st month fees are paid, additional family members pay a reduced rate of $40/month for each additional family member. The 1st family member rate is based on the highest individual standard fee. Individual 1st-month fees apply to all family members.
Young people attending college, university, or community college are eligible for this rate. This group trains with the regular adult program. Monthly Rate: $85/month. Uniforms can be purchased at the dojo when you sign up. Family rates do not apply during the first month, but go into effect in perpetuity thereafter.
Email us or call 612-870-1795 to get started today.